Outdoor unit for the production of chilled water with fixed speed and variable speed (Inverter Driven) screw compressors optimized for R134a, axial-flow fans, condensing coil with copper tubes and aluminium fins, shell and tube single pass evaporator designed by Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems S.p.A. and electronic expansion valve. Eurovent certification for all the sizes. Base and supporting structure and panels are of galvanized epoxy powder coated steel. Flexible and reliable unit; it easily adapts itself to different thermal load conditions thanks to the precise temperature control together with the use of inverter technology. The high performance’s level, both full and partial load, is achieved thanks to the accurate unit’s design and to the use of fixed speed motor together with variable speed (inverter) motor.
- CA – Class A of efficiency
- SL – Super-low noise version
- – – Basic function
- D – Partial condensing heat recovery function
- R – Total condensing heat recovery function
EUROPE | CEPED | 50 Hz |
Extended capacity range. - HIGH EFFICIENCY
Unit with high efficiency and reduced energy consumption, thanks to the inverter technology, contributing to lower operating costs and therefore achieving a quick return on investment. - EXTREMELY SILENT OPERATION
Extremely silent operation together with high efficiency, tank to dedicated acoustic devices and a precise design for the choice of the components. - GREEN RELEVANT PRODUCT
These units comply with the minimum efficiency requirements of air cooled chillers defined in ASHRAE 90.1-2013 ”Energy Standard for buildings except LowRise Residential Building”, included the higher values required from January 2015.
- Hydronic group
- VPF (Variable Primary Flow) kit: variable flow pumps with on board regulation
- Noise reducer (only on not silenced versions)
- EC fans with electronic DC brushless motor
- Axial fans with External Static Pressure (ESP) up to 130 Pa.
- Remote control keyboard (distance to 200m and to 500m)
- Set-up for remote connectivity with ModBus/Echelon protocol cards