Multi-purpose outdoor unit for use in 4-pipe systems for the simultaneous production of chilled and hot water by means of two independent hydronic circuits. These units are able to satisfy the demand for hot and cold water simultaneously through a system that does not require seasonal switching and is therefore a valid alternative to traditional plants with chiller and boiler. Each circuit works with a semi-hermetic screw compressor using R513A, two shell and tubes heat exchangers shared by both circuits, a cold heat exchanger on plant’s side that acts as an evaporator in the production of cold water, a heat exchanger on plant’s side that works as a condenser in the production of hot water, and a source side coil heat exchanger that works as either condenser or evaporator as required by the loads.
- CA – Class A of efficiency
- LN-CA – Low Noise, Class A of efficiency
- SL-CA – Super Low noise version, Class A of efficiency
- XL-CA – eXtra Low noise version, Class A of efficiency
- XL-CA-E – eXtra Low noise, Class A enhanced
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Unit designed to satisfy the cold and the hot side requirements simultaneously, for 4-pipe systems without any particular operation mode setting - ENERGY SAVING
Energy saving guaranteed by the advanced operation’s logic. The best operation mode is set completely automatically and independently by the unit’s controller, in order to minimize the absorbed energy whatever the cooling and/or heating demand might be - WIDE OPERATING RANGE
Unit´s operation guaranteed with external air temperature down to -10 °C during winter and up to 46 °C during summer. - VERSION ´XL-CA-E´ AVAILABLE
Exclusive Premium version. Together for the first time, the lowest noise level on the market and the maximum efficiency in each operating mode. - HOT WATER SUPPLY
Supply of hot water in use up to 60°C, offering maximum versatility with respect to different plant engineering solutions
- Hydronic group
- VPF (Variable Primary Flow) kit: variable flow pumps with on board regulation
- Electronic expansion valve
- Set-up for remote connectivity with ModBus/Echelon protocol cards